The Old World HeadquartersThe first generation hybrids shown in the picture tell a story.  December 2013 is the M/Y 2000 Silver Insight’s 14th birthday. ACDC bought this Hybrid from a local dealership October 15, 1999. It was built in Dec. 1999 in Japan.  That is how long ACDC has been actively (read this working on) this new crop of transportation. Next in line is a Green M/Y 2001 Prius, the first model year that the Prius was sold in the USA.  It was to be a huge success as we know now. Then Ford introduced the Volvo Inspired Escape in M/Y 2005. Ford has gone onto make some great hybrids and has overtaken Honda in Hybrid sales in America. The Chevy Volt M/Y 2011 rounds out the most popular HEV the OEMs have made and sold so far.  ACDC is proud to be a part of all this hybrid history. December is  a month when I look back at the year and this was a great year for us.  Some of what made it great:

  1. We moved to a much larger and comfortable office and garage space
  2. ACDC added a  M/Y 2011 Nissan Leaf
  3. ACDC had record sales (highest ever by a large margin)
  4. Judy Savage came on board
  5. Deb Van Batenburg has moved away from the daily operations
  6. Electude and ACDC have partnered up
  7. Dorman Products, Honda R & D and many other great companies have  used our services
  8. Midtronics has provided us with new up-to-date equipment
  9. Our 2013 Hybrid / EV book was a big success
  10. Everyone at ACDC is healthy and happy

My thanks to our trainers, Steve, Jeff, Al, Yves, Jamie. To the office; Deb, Darcy, Judy and Karen. Our salesman; Al, Pete and Dick.  To my helpers; Matt, Terrance, Chris. We are blessed with many talented companies that provide ACDC with services that help you.

Best Wishes for a family filled Holiday season and great 2014.

