ACDC New College Level EMV Text Book

What does it take to write a college text book and why did Craig (and many others helping) do it? It is the single largest project I can remember in recent history and is still on going as it is not finished. The book will be published and sent to schools the August.


Let’s start with why?  There are two well-known college text books on the market that were written by two well respected automotive authors, both of them are full time writers, Jim Haldeman and Jack Erjavic. I know the well and have helped both in their hybrid writings. I was paid to work with Jim years ago and Jack and I had a deal that well through. Their books are as good. So why reinvent the wheel?  I was asked by many college and high school instructors to do this project. They wanted a textbook with the continuity of my on-line webinars and live classes. They wanted cut-away parts that matched the lessons. They wanted work / task sheets written for real work problem.  They wanted a complete package. So the reason why is the same as to my existence in the automotive repair field. That is why I opened a Honda only repair shop in 1977. Why I opened ACDC in 1999. The industry needs help.

Here is a link to the book, the extra resource and pricing.

So what has it taken so far?  I have hired other industry professionals to help. Al Playter, an Auto Teacher in Canada, Cyriel Kootstra from Holland to write the light duty diesel/hybrid chapter, Jeff Gouviea from Up Your Voltage fame to write they Heavy Duty (Class 4 to 8) HEV /EV chapter. All experienced in that field. Hany Shaker from Cairo, Egypt is doing the task sheets and I still need more help. I have hired shop owners to proof read and make suggestions, like Eugene Victorivitch Tomachinkski (my favorite Russian) and many others. Carlos Vargas, one of the smartest seniors at the local technical High School, is working at the ACDC training center after school and this summer. I have hired Dustin Hopkins to take over some work from DJ Goins who has been with ACDC since he graduated from High School few years back so DJ can scan more EMVs and help get scope data. The editor Darcy Adshead (she has done the last two ACDC books) and Damian Adshead is here to make my photos more presentable and do the graphics. It is a large team effort that started last October when Darcy and I met for a morning to map out the plan. I like the work but not the hours. We are self-publishing. That means we are not printing 5,000 copies overseas to save money and make more profit. All of our books are printed in Tennessee. They are all full color and spiral bound so they lay flat on your workbench. The support materials most likely will still be developed and posted on line after the books is done.


A few last thoughts. I am in a hurry to get this done because if you are waiting to learn this new and exciting technology, every year you wait, it gets to be a steeper climb.  This book will help. You can pre order.


Last edit May 3, 2018