So far this year, three plans made in December are starting to take shape. One is getting back into better shape. I am lucky to have good genes. Both sides of my parent’s parents lived long lives. Losing weight and eating better are the two pillars of physical heath, that also has a positive effect on your metal outlook. In 1991, I hired a Russian emigrant named Misha Buslov. He had fled Moscow with his wife and young child. He spoke no English, but he could fix a car. With a picture book for kids and my toolbox, he became a trusted employee and ran the shop when I was away. Today he owns the business and works as a physical therapist, one of the best in town. He is now tuning up my lower back from years of “back breaking” work. I must say Hondas were a good choice, especially if you were not too macho and asked for help when lifting heavy objects, like transmissions and such.
We also are in the process of opening up EV service and repairs to the public. That will allow ACDC to learn more so we can pass that along to you. Over 26 years of running a shop, and dealing with customers, will come in handy. The ACDC training center building will lend itself to that, as the layout will separate those curious customers from our core business of training techs. It will be small with one tech and one bay. We will see how that goes.
Lastly, we are building out regional classes for local shops employing newer techs with little experience. The shops and I are engaging on at this time as to what that looks like. There is always something going on at ACDC.