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L3 prep guide/2 Hours of Web Training (90 Pages Color)

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This L3 Prep book was written by Craig Van Batenburg over six months and updated after the L3 test came out. It has had great reviews. If you own our ACDC “Understanding Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Service and Technology and Service” (written for seasoned techs), this new book was written for the student or new tech in mind. This is the book that should be read and understood before you read anything else.

It is priced less (90 pages vs. 360) and every word is new, except our “Service Mode” section. Every illustration was done in-house and every picture was taken by ACDC. This book was new in September of 2014 and is updated periodically, as are all of our materials. Some innovative “Block Diagrams” were created that outline the 12 completely different layouts used today in the EMVs (ACDCs term for HEV, PHEV, EV, EV-RE) seen in repair shops across the world.

Sold only in “Full Color”. This book, along with an ASE L3 Supplement and 2 hours of webinar training, will also help in passing the ASE L3 test.

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