Short History of ACDC

Original ACDC Building 1999

Craig Van Batenburg is the CEO of ACDC, a hybrid and plug-in training company based in Worcester, Massachusetts. ACDC has taught more hybrid classes in more places and for more people than any other hybrid / EV company around, starting in early 2000. Some 18,000 techs and others have heard Craig and other ACDC trainers speak in over seven countries and 46 States.

Craig is a down-to-earth, knowledgeable, and dynamic trainer. To stay current with changes in automotive technology. ACDC employs a Master Ford tech that now does research in-house in all areas that concern xEVs. We also have an internship program with Dutch colleges that assists us when they come to ACDC. We keep up-to-date with the latest innovations, tools and equipment. The people at ACDC, along with Craig’s decades of knowledge and leadership, make ACDC a unique training company. During the pandemic, Craig took a huge cut in pay to keep the staff working and gave them two pay raises. The 18 EMVs owned by ACDC range from the most popular models to current EVs.

ACDC Hybrid Book

ACDC Fleet in 2006. From right to left; Honda Civic HEV, Ford Escape HEV, Honda Insight, Toyota Prius II  

Since the pandemic, the classroom was transformed into a battery lab. All classroom time is done online, so when you arrive at the ACDC training center, it is “all-hands-on-deck“, but the deck is a shop. Come experience your future in a most amazing way and leave ready to diagnose, repair and maintain the vehicles at your shop now and those EMVs on the way.